Sunday, August 19, 2007
So we went to watch the National Day's Fireworks Celebration once again this year. Despite the mommy having to go for a staff retreat at Downtown East for the whole day, she still insists on going to view the fireworks again this year at the Esplanade. Although she was so freaking tired. Hehe.. I can never get enough of fireworks.
The photos may not be as beautiful as what others may have taken. But what the heck. We were there and boy, the fireworks were so beautiful!!! Not as pretty as the ones we saw last year though.
And this year we were early enough to squeeze into the Espanade Bayfront before the security personnel put up the barricades. Yayyy!!! We had to wait for 1.5hrs though. But i certainly didn't mind despite the humid and torrid weather. Yupp i was sweating like a pig. But so were the hundreds of others who were there. Haha.. ;p
This month has been a very tiring month man. It's been sometime since I get to leave the office early. Luckily the hubby is on course so having him around everyday really helps. His presence keeps me sane.
The past weeks, I have been too tired to even chill out with my baby after work. All i want is to hit the sacks the moment I am back.
Oh man. I have been really guilty of neglecting the little one lately. And it didn't hit me till lately. For a couple of days, he didn't want me to touch him or his toys. Didn't want me to cuddle him. Didn't even want me to prepare his milk or clean him up after soiling his diapers. That sucks big time.
Suddenly remembered my mom's advice shortly after I have given birth. Be prepared to sacrifice as a working mommy. That I have to be prepared for my kid to be more emotionally attached to his main caregiver. I must be strong enough and not let my kid drift away from me. Of course, in Hil's case, the main caregiver would be his Bibik Elia.
Sure i am very thankful to get such a great helper. She has helped to care for my son during our absence and at the same, take care of all the domestic duties. Without her, I am sure we would be lost.
But at the same time, I can't deny that I am jealous seeing my son so attached to her. It hurts when he screams for his Bibik when he cries in his sleep. Goes to her automatically for his milk.
What I wouldn't give to be with you the whole day? To be your pillar of strength, to give you all the love that you need, to be there when you fall. To witness you growing everyday right in front of my own eyes.
I am very sorry these past weeks I have been neglecting you. I shall make it up to you. I will spend time with you everyday no matter how tired I am. That much i promise you.